How we support our community

Thank you.PNG Fundraising 2022.PNG 2022 results.PNG Show some love.PNG Summer Fair.PNG
At Liscard Primary School we warmly welcome support from our community; parents/carers, extended family, local residents and businesses, pupils and staff, past and present.
The Friends of Liscard Primary School (TFoLPS) work hard to provide some interesting and successful fundraising activities throughout the school academic year. 
Please visit check your child's class dojo regularly for updates on their activities. 
If you can spare even just a small amount of time - not necessarily on a regular basis - then TFoLPS committee and supporters would love to hear from you.
You may have donations for our clothes recycling bank. There are lots of way to support TFoLPS.
We are proud to offer discrete support to those families who sometimes need a helping hand.
Struggling with school uniform or to keep up with your growing child?!
Shop online? If so, please support our school by registering with easyfundraising!
We’re registered with easyfundraising, which means over 4,000 shops and sites will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.

You can share this link with family and friends too!