Digital Leaders

So what is a digital leader?

What do they do?

A digital leader is a  pupil who is part of a digital leaders’ team.   Their role is to support the use of technology, particularly iPads and Chromebooks across the school. 

They do a variety of jobs including:

  • Support the use of iPads and Chromebooks in school to support learning
  • Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
  • Assist teachers and other pupils in understanding coding applications.
  • Help set up equipment in classrooms for other pupils
  • Support other pupils in using technology in the classroom.
  • Share expertise with other classes.
  • Have a good understanding of how to stay safe with technology and share that with others.
  • Year 6 Digital Leaders attend the Online Safety Committe Meetings
  • Attend training sessions when they are arranged both in and out of school.
  • Online Safety Assembly delivered by our fabulous Digital Leaders
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